Benefits of Omega 3 fats for Heart Patients.

Omega 3 fatty acids are very good for our health. They are a type of polyunsaturated fat.

Benefits of Omega 3 fats for Heart Patients.
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Omega 3 fatty acids are very good for our health. They  are a type of polyunsaturated fat. We need these fats to grow our brain cells and for other important function. They help to keep our heart healthy and protected against stroke.

Our body cannot make omega-3 fatty acids on its own. We need to get them from our diet. We generally get them from fishes and some plant foods. Our everyday diet should contain Omega 3 fatty acids up to 5% to 10% of our total calories. Oily fish rich in omega-3 are salmon, mackerel, tuna, trout, sardines, etc.

The  DHA and EPA present in Omega 3 fatty acids decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease. These fats may help lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels and prevent blood clots . They  also reduces  inflammation and triglycerides. They reduce the risk of developing an irregular heart beat (arrhythmias). They  also help to slowdown the build up of plaque, which hardens and blocks our arteries. They also  prevent coronary heart disease (CHD) .

Can everyone take Omega 3 fats, is it safe for all? As some fish can be tainted with mercury and other chemicals. Eating tainted fish can cause health risks for young children and pregnant women. They should avoid fish with high levels of mercury like shark, tilefish, swordfish, etc. Oily fish, such as salmon and tuna, contain two kinds of omega-3- EPA and DHA. Both have enough benefits for our heart. We can get

omega-3, ALA, in some oils, nuts, plants. Some plant based sources of omega-3 are walnuts, ground flax seeds and flaxseed oil,

Effects -They have  significantly reduced the risk of sudden death caused by cardiac arrest . Omega-3 fatty acids also treats hyperlipidaemia and hypertension. The American Heart Association recommends consumption of two servings of fish per week .Experts say the relationship between using omega-3 supplements and heart health is complicated. So always talk with your doctor about your risks and what is best for you. “Currently, fish oil supplements are indicated for patients with elevated plasma