If you have your account in these two banks, get your transactions sorted before the deadline of February 28

There are going to be many major changes in the online transactions of these two banks, These changes will be effect from the 1st March. Read the entire details of these banks

If you have your account in these two banks, get your transactions sorted before the deadline of February 28
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There are going to be many major changes in the online transactions of Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank. These changes will be effect from the 1st March. Customers of both these banks still conduct online transactions with the help of their old bank's IFSC code, but from 28 February they will not be able to use their old IFCS code as they will be declared invalid.

In this context, Bank of India has asked customers of both banks through social media to get their new IFSC code before 1 March 2021. You can take this code by going to both bank branches. Because your old code will stop later.

If you are unable to go to the bank, then you can get a new IFSC code by calling the toll free number 1800-258-1700 while sitting at home. Apart from this, the account holders of both banks can also get a new code through a text message. For this, you can send a space after MIGR and write the last 4 digits of your old account to 8422009988 from the registered mobile number in the bank.

What is the IFSC code ?

This code is used for online transactions. It is a code of 11 numbers inside which 4 letters indicate the name of the bank. Through this, the branch of the bank is tracked.

Let us tell you that the IFSC codes are re coded on passbook and checkbook.

Let us inform you that on 1 April 2020, in the Corona era, the government had finalized the merger of Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank with the Bank of Baroda. After this, Bank of Baroda has become the third largest bank in the world. This is not the first time that one bank is connected to another bank.