Obesity, a furious concern!! Don't take it for granted!

Obesity affects the life in the worst manner as it brings many other ailments along with it. Let's discuss some factors, symptoms along with the possible treatment.

Obesity, a furious concern!! Don't take it for granted!
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A girl, named Anna, who is just 12-year-old from Australia suffers from high B.P, Diabetes, weighs over 50kgs . She belongs to a very wealthy, filthy rich family who have unlimited finances. A little girl looks like a big fat lady. She deserves to play with her friends, enjoy her childhood but at such a young age, she is in the web of so many ailments. Doctors call for an urgent treatment of her illness otherwise she might have to face chronic, critical health issues. Her doctor calls this the stage of obesity. Obesity is characterized by over-weight, heavy body, high BMI, lots of illnesses, B.P, High Sugar, uncontrolled cholesterol, inability to walk or run, arthritis, etc.

All this sets for us an alarm of great concern. There seems a big change in the lifestyles from the past. Today’s people are ready to spend on the show offs, high end services, junk food, late night parties, smoke, drinks, etc. And these are accompanied by sluggish, dull, lethargic life which leads to obesity.

Let’s define the Obese…

Obese is an adjective which defines a person’s physical appearance, if his weight is 20% more that his ideal weight. That ideal weight must take into account the person's height, age, sex, and build. National Institute of Health (NIH) defines obesity if the person’s BMI (Body Mass Index) is 30 and above.

It’s really a necessity to know its signs and symptoms

When do you actually get to know that you are undergoing this illness? How would you differentiate it with overweight ?

People consider this a normal stage of life or they don’t take it seriously. But in medical terms , it is one of the illnesses which gives rise to many other ailments as in high blood pressure , high cholesterol , blockage in arteries , arthritis , cancers , etc.

BMI is the sign which lets a person know either he is fit, overweight, or obese

If a person’s BMI is 24 or less , the he is considered fit and healthy .If his BMI is between 24-29.9 , then he is considered as overweight. If his BMI is 30 or more , then its an illness which then we call it a matter of concern .

Factors that causes obesity- There are few very common factors which are responsible for causing a person Obese.


Food and Activity– People gain weight when they eat more at regular intervals and have no activities as such like walk, gym, exercise, yoga, etc.

Genetics- If the parents /guardians are obese, then it is quite possible that theirs kid would also be obese. Genetics play its part over here, where the feature of parents get transferred to their kids.

Environment-The world around us influences our ability to maintain a healthy weight and this puts us in pressure. We tend to exercise more than our capacity. This might stretch our muscles a lot, which may bring dullness and pain in the body. This pain finally turns the body to rest and hence people gain excessive weight, which is called obesity.

Medication – Intake of medicines which contains steroids also make a person obese. Over intake of such medicines lead the body to react in a different manner as it gradually changes the hormonal activities of the body.

Junk Food – The person who is fond of over eating but gives no thought to exercise of any kind accompanied by intake of junk leads to obesity


Treatment of obesity


Exercise- a regular set of exercises for a longer duration of time is really important to get a control over this illness. Doctors advise to go for a regular walk , do some cardio, cross-fit and strength to get in the shape again.

Proper Diet- a rich , healthy , and cholesterol free diet plays an important role in the treatment of obesity. Research has shown that an obese person should stick to boiled veggies and juices , porridge , etc at least for some time to get the desired results.

Sleep- a sound sleep of at least 8 hours is really required to help a person in relieving him with this ailment.

These treatments can also be taken as precautionary measures before you become obese. Other precautionary measures are avoiding junk, say no to excess intake of food and drinks.

Our P.M. Narendra Modi was always in favor of a fit and healthy Bharat. He says ‘If the body is fit, mind is a hit

He himself is in favor of yoga. He does YOGA on daily basis and so made it a compulsory subject in schools. Mr. Modi is of the viewpoint that if the people of India are fit from body and mind, then only the India will progress.

He then launched a movement “Fit India Movement” to encourage people to move towards fitness and sound health.

A person must always gives his health, a priority. He must make every possible effort to keep his physique attractive and sound by doing exercises, eating healthy, and taking proper sleep as excess of anything leads to obesity.