Theme and significance of the World Environment Day,2023.

Our mother earth never betrays us. But we human beings due to our greed and to fulfill our material satisfaction are destroying and harming our Mother Nature very badly. As a result, our earth is losing its natural beauty

Theme and significance of the World Environment Day,2023.
World Environment Day

The World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 every year to raise awareness among people to control environmental pollution and take measures to save our Earth and so our very existence on earth. The day goals to remind us of our valuable responsibility to protect and nurture the environment of our beloved earth. The God has created this earth with great care for existence of all living beings on it. Our earth provides us with all necessary things we need to survive. 

Our mother earth never betrays us. But we human beings due to our greed and to fulfill our material satisfaction are   destroying and harming our Mother Nature very badly. As a result, our earth is losing its natural beauty. Its environment has become polluted , becoming unsuitable and dangerous for our survival on the earth. So its has become our foremost duty to protect our environment from pollution. 

Together, we can make a difference by undertaking essential good practices , conserving resources, and promoting eco-friendly habits . Every small action counts a lot, whether it's planting trees, reducing waste, or using renewable  sources energy, efficient attempts to control pollution and conservation of natural resources.

The theme of the  World Environment Day 2023 is "Solutions to plastic pollution”. It highlights on the emergency and significant mission of managing plastic pollution through the strong campaign known as, “Solutions to plastic pollution”. The World Environment Day 2023 is hosted by Ivory Coast, along with the Netherlands, depicting their initiative in fighting against plastic pollution. Ivory Coast banned the use of plastic bags in 2014,  instead they promote the use of reusable packets. . We are proud to champion diverse treatments for the plastic pandemic,” Jean-Luc Assi, Ivory Coast Minister for the Environment  said .