Anti inflammatory drugs may lead to chronic pain. So be cautious while taking medicines.

Researches revealed that use of anti inflammatory drugs like NSAIDs, steroids or ibuprofen may resolve pain in the short y and can also lead to long term chronic pain.

Anti inflammatory drugs may lead to chronic pain. So be cautious while taking medicines.
Effects of anti inflammatory drugs

Researches revealed that use of anti inflammatory drugs like NSAIDs, steroids or ibuprofen may resolve pain in the short y and can also lead to long term chronic pain. Researches led by clinicians at MC Gill University in Canada suggests that short term pain translate to long term pain in future.

Injury is the most common cause of chronic pain. After an injury, inflammation increases throughout the body, then a person feels pain. "It's possible that the inflammation that the body naturally makes for a reason. If  you block the body 's inflammation that disrupts wound healing, you should not block something that the body is trying to do for a reason."

The researches examined 98 patients over three months and found that a particular cell in the body called neutrophils play a key role in the pain response pathway. Blocking them may help reduce pain in the short term but can prolong the pain for up to 10 times longer.

Precautions -Guidelines from the American Academy of Family Physicians suggests that instead of taking medicines to treat pain ,use heat, massages or physical  therapy to treat pain at first step. Dr.Edwards suggests that you should ask your doctor two important questions before starting any pain medications.” what are the side effects of this medicines if I use too much? And how long is it safe to use this medication, and when should I stop?"

"This research points us in the right direction and makes us reconsider how we treat pain and the next step is to test this in a prospective way, in the clinic," Edwards told Health Line.