Breast milk keeps your baby healthy. It gives your baby all
the necessary nutrients in the proper proportions. It fights against allergies,
ear infections, sickness, obesity and
diabetes and cancer. It can be easily
digested – no constipation, no diarrhoea or upset stomach. Breastfed
babies have healthier weights growth and score higher on IQ tests. It changes
constantly to meet babies' needs, volume and composition ,nursing frequency,
and age of baby to promote healthy growth. It
is the perfect healthy and
nutritious food for your baby. It is available wherever and whenever your baby
needs it. It is always clean and germ free.
It needs no bottles to clear .
Mothers who breastfeed have a reduced risk of Type 2 Diabetes and certain cancers such as
breast cancer. They find it easier to return to what they weighed before they
got pregnant. Above all it helps to strengthen the sweet bond between a mother
and her beloved child. Breast milk not only fulfils your babies hunger but also
gives them mental satisfaction. Every baby feels safe near his mother 's lap.
But mothers of some new born babies face problem to give
breast feed and start giving formula milk to their babies. 'Don't make that
mistake, problems will go away gradually'.
Some helpful hints:-
Breastfeed soon after birth and breastfeed frequently 8 to
12 times in a 24 hour period.
Hold your baby skin-to-skin.
Do not give a pacifier or bottle .
Give only breast milk.
Each and every new born baby has the right to be nourished
with breast milk right after birth till 6 months at least. It may continue
after that also. But some mothers due to the fear of losing their beauty and
career avoid giving breast milk to their
babies. That is not right. Its really a boon of life for your baby. So it is
the foremost duty of very mother to nourish their babies with breast milk at
least for six months.
" Let no new born be deprived of breast milk