Know the types of food one needs to consume to increase hemoglobin in the body

Hemoglobin is a protein found in the red blood cells, these cells carry oxygen throughout the body along with it they also carry carbon di oxide out of the cells and into the lungs and is released when a person exhales.

Hemoglobin is a protein found in the red blood cells, these cells carry oxygen throughout the body along with it they also carry carbon di oxide out of the cells and into the lungs and is released when a person exhales. If hemoglobin levels are low then it becomes difficult for the body to carry out these functions. Low hemoglobin level is quite common especially in women. The normal level in adult men is around 14 to 18g/dl and for adult women is 12 to 16g/dl and if it goes lower it can lead to anemia.

Some of the types of food one can consume to increase hemoglobin levels are like beetroot, it is enriched in natural iron, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and C. the high nutrients content in beetroot can increase the hemoglobin count and regeneration of red blood cells. One can have it in a salad form or in cooked form as well.

Moringa leaves are rich in minerals like zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, vitamin A,B and C. one can take a few finally chopped Moringa leaves and make a paste and add a teaspoon of jaggery powder and can have it regularly with breakfast to increase hemoglobin levels.

Green leafy vegetables like spinach, mustard greens, celery, and broccoli are rich in iron, they are also rich in vitamin B12, folic acid and other nutrients. If consumed in daily basis it can help in increase hemoglobin count.

Dates, raisins and figs are rich in iron and vitamin C and also have iron, magnesium, vitamin A and folate. Consuming a few dates, dry figs or raisins in the morning can give instant energy and improve hemoglobin levels. Diabetic patients can consume these dry fruits in moderation only.

Sesame seeds is loaded in iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium and vitamin B6, E and folate. You can soak them overnight and consume in the next morning, you can also sprinkle some on your cereal or oatmeal or even yogurts and fruit salads.

There are several other food options one can consume to increase hemoglobin levels naturally but if the problem persists do visit a doctor.