College lovers met again and married after 27 years of break up

It is often said that destiny will surely bring those people together who are made for each other no matter what.

It is often said that destiny will surely bring those people together who are made for each other no matter what. A similar kind of incident was witnessed by a couple who fell in love in their college time. However they met and married after 27 years of break up.

The women shared the tale of her marriage with her first boyfriend and said: “My husband often reminds me of the time when we first met. He saw me in a crowded hostel lobby. In a few moments I left from there. After this he told his friends that he would not leave the place until he saw me again. Fifteen minutes after seeing me for the first time, he came to me and talked to me”.

She added ‘I was only 17 when we met. I used to understand love but this was a completely different experience. I felt like this love, these feelings are very sincere and mature. After some time we became famous as the best couple in the entire campus. We were lovers and best friends. We lived together for six years before parting ways’.

The woman had married someone else after breaking up and she narrated her story with her first husband “‘Before I could understand my relationship and love with that person, I got married at the age of 24, got pregnant at the age of 25 and got divorced at the age of 26. I didn’t have a good relationship with my first husband. He did not have the spirit to maintain a relationship. By this time, I had experienced relationships and life as a single mother and knew what I wanted.

After many years one day this woman met her college boyfriend. The woman told, ‘My college boyfriend was also facing the same situation as I was going through. After a few years, when he called me and asked me to be friends again, I was very relieved to hear this. Because I was meeting one of my best friends again. A few years later I got married again. We had a son but in that marriage too I was disappointed. Meanwhile, I used to meet my friend from time to time and I felt good knowing that he is doing well in life”.