Yoga keeps you fit both physically and mentally. With yoga, the body becomes strong and weight is also reduced. Yoga not only reduces the fat stored on the body, but also makes the body flexible so that you stay healthy. By doing yoga regularly, you lose weight and get into shape.
In this posture, the shape of the body normally becomes like a bow drawn. Dhanurasan reduces belly fat. To do this, first lie down on the stomach. Connect the legs together. Hold the ankles of both feet with hands by keeping a gap of one foot between the knees and toes. With the help of hands, raise the knees, thighs and torso as per the convenience. Keep breathing comfortably.
This asana is very effective in reducing abdominal fat. With this asana, all the muscles of the body are stretched. To do this, sit with the legs spread out in front of you, now keep the palms on your knees, raise your hands upward while breathing, and pull the waist straight upwards, now while exhaling, bend forward and with the hands to the feet Grab and put the forehead on the knees. Keep in mind that the knee should not bend. And try to plant elbows on the ground.
This asana is very beneficial in reducing abdominal fat, thinning the waist and widening the shoulders and strengthening the arms. It has great importance in making the body flexible and shapely. Bhujangasana is also known as Cobra pose. Because it creates a snake-like pose that looks fun. To do this, lie on the ground on the stomach. Now, with both hands, lift the upper part of the body from the waist upwards, but the elbow should be bent. Stay in this posture for some time.
This posture helps in reducing fat. It is a good posture for beautifying the lower body and arms. This keeps the body flexible. To do this, spread your legs towards the front and sit up straight. Keep in mind that the claws are attached and the spine should be straight. Now raise the lower part of your waist upward by resting both hands on the ground. After remaining in this state for a few seconds, return to normal.
By doing this
asana, the muscles are strengthened and the belly fat decreases. Brings
flexibility to the internal organs of the body. Gives peace to body and mind.
In addition, it stretches knees and muscles. To do this, sit on the ground on
the knees and put the whole body on the ankles. Take a deep breath and lean
forward. Keep in mind that your chest should touch the thighs, now try to touch
the floor with your forehead. Stay in this state for a few seconds and come
back to that state.