Covid-19 cases declining? 2.81 Lakh fresh cases in India, Tally goes below 3 Lakh after 26 Days

Cases going below 3,00,000 within 24 hours in India. Karnataka stays at first in worst affected states of India.

Cases of daily casualties are still high, with 4,106 Covid – 19 patients dying in the last 24 hours. Over 3.00,000 new cases have been recorded in 24 hour time duration on April 22 for the first time since the pandemic happened in India.

Karnataka stays worst affected

A total of 18,29,26,460 doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered across the country so far.

The national recovery rate improved to 84.25 per cent while the mortality rate currently stands at 1.09 per cent.

“10 States including Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu cumulatively account for 74.69 per cent of India's total Active Cases”, said by The Union Health Ministry.