Are you feeling insecure in your love life? So know some bad dating habits to protect a healthy relationship.

Dating is an event of adventure filled with excitement and the promise of love. However, it is not full of roses it has stones too.

Are your dating habits bothering your romantic aspirations? Know the 7 common bad habits to avoid to ensure a more satisfying love life. Dating is an event of adventure filled with excitement and the promise of love. However, it is not full of roses it has stones too.

Sometimes we develop habits that hinder our chances of having a healthy relationship. By recognising and being conscious of these behaviours, we can make room for healthy relationships built on trust, respect, and love. You can increase your chances of finding a meaningful and fulfilling relationship by ditching bad dating habits .

1.Rushing into physical intimacy-One bad dating habit is the tendency to rush into physical intimacy. Being physically intimate before on will increase the other person's interest, often results in shallow connections.

2.Ghosting-Ghosting means total cutting off communication with someone. Many people engage in ghosting to avoid conflict. However, this behaviour make the other person feel confused and hurt. So it is essential to practice open conversation by sending clear and respectful messages.

3.Accepting reality instead of potentiality- It is common to daydream about the kind of person they could become or the relationship skills they might acquire. But we should focus on our partners  current qualities and skills.

4.Rushing things- A common dating habit to avoid is the tendency to rush things and not allow the connection to develop naturally.

5.Hastily accepting dates-Another bad common dating habit  is hastily agreeing to go on dates with individuals from dating apps. Instead of accepting every invitation, take the time to judge if there are common interests, values, and meaningful topics to discuss.

6.Endless texting-It is vital to stop the habit of engaging in endless texting during the dating period. Having limits on texting helps to maintain a healthy balance and avoids becoming overwhelmed  to engage constantly.

7.Lengthy dinner dates on first meeting - One must avoid long dinner dates on the first meeting. Instead, it is better to keep the duration to around 1.5-2 hours. Having a single drink or coffee gives enough time to judge compatibility and decide if a second date is desired.