What approach to dieting is best for sustainable weight loss?

Individuals seeking to lose weight should work with healthcare professionals or registered dietitians to develop personalized dietary plans that incorporate these principles.


Since 2011, US authorities have supported two approaches to healthier body fat composition: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Diabetes Prevention Program's calorie counting (CC) approach and the US Department of Agriculture's MyPlate (adherence to federal nutrition guidelines). In a recent study published in The Annals of Family Medicine, researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial comparing the CC and MyPlate approaches to examine their effects on satiety/satiation and achieving healthier body fat composition among primary care patients.Most participants were female (95%) and Latine (86%); the remaining were African American (8%), White (4%), Asian-Pacific Islander (2%), or other (1%). Mean age was 42 years (range, 18-72 years). Most participants (82%) were foreign born; 74% preferred speaking in Spanish. 


The study took place from 2015 to 2017 and involved 261 overweight adult participants who were predominantly low-income and Latinx. Community health workers provided support for both approaches, including two home education visits, two group education sessions, and seven telephone coaching calls over a period of six months. Satiation and satiety were the primary patient-centered outcome measures, while waist circumference and body weight served as the primary anthropometric measures. Assessments were conducted at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months.


The findings revealed that both the CC and MyPlate groups experienced increases in satiation and satiety scores, indicating improved feelings of fullness and satisfaction after meals. Additionally, waist circumference significantly decreased in both groups, demonstrating positive changes in body fat composition.

Interestingly, the MyPlate group showed lower systolic blood pressure at the 6-month mark compared to the CC group. However, this difference was not maintained at 12 months. Participants in both groups reported higher quality of life, emotional well-being, and high satisfaction with their assigned weight-loss program.

Notably, the study found that the most acculturated participants experienced the greatest decreases in waist circumference, suggesting that cultural factors and dietary habits may influence weight loss outcomes.


Both the CC and MyPlate approaches emphasize important dietary factors for weight loss. Calorie counting focuses on creating a calorie deficit by tracking and managing calorie intake, while the MyPlate approach promotes a balanced diet by incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods from all food groups.

Portion control plays a significant role in both approaches, helping individuals manage their calorie intake and ensure they consume appropriate amounts of different food groups. By controlling portion sizes, individuals can achieve a calorie deficit while still obtaining essential nutrients.

Promoting satiety and satiation is a key aspect of both approaches. Including foods rich in fiber, lean protein, and healthy fats can contribute to feelings of fullness and reduce hunger, supporting sustainable weight loss.

The study's findings also suggest that cultural factors, including food choices and dietary habits, may influence weight loss outcomes. Understanding individuals' cultural backgrounds and tailoring dietary interventions accordingly can optimize the effectiveness of weight loss programs.


The study highlights the effectiveness of both calorie counting and the MyPlate approach for promoting satiety, facilitating decreases in waist circumference, and improving overall well-being among low-income, predominantly Latinx primary care patients. The findings emphasize the importance of portion control, nutrient intake, and promoting satiety and satiation in achieving sustainable weight loss.

Individuals seeking to lose weight should work with healthcare professionals or registered dietitians to develop personalized dietary plans that incorporate these principles. By combining evidence-based strategies and cultural considerations, it is possible to achieve long-term weight loss success while promoting overall health and well-being.